
My Mysterious teeth 2/ Art time

 Saturday, 22 June Of course since I am in India the same thing occurred from last time. Two of my teeth fell of in less than a month! I found out that they were the same type of teeth and already felt teeth growing in their place.  Since I was bored I decided to make a craft. I used clay stuck to a sheet of cardboard for the base and paint and mirrors for the design. Over all I am proud of that and I look forward to making a way bigger one.

Animals and temples

 Friday, 14 June Today my dad was going to take me to our farm but on the way we took some time to appreciate the animals by meeting them at a sanctuary. We saw a mouse, hamster, goat, donkey, parrot, snakes, sheep, ostrich, iguana, and many more birds. Some of these animals I pet.  After all the fun there was still more to come. We arrived at the farm and the dog I saw last year was still there but became a mother. When I sat down four dogs gathered around me.  Sadly, that happiness would be short lived. A whole week of temples everyday. Luckily, I was sick on the third day so I just had to go to one big ceremony for my grandmother's 70th B-day. It was a replica of her marriage. One of those days we had to skip breakfast so at lunch we went early since everyone was hungry. when we went home I fell asleep quickly. 

Swimming animals

 Sunday, 9 June Today we went to a different hotel and I pet a cow. We went birdwatching.  Since my dad used to spend his time bird watching as a child he helped identify some birds. The bird watching guide was very skilled and found a bird, in a tree, eating a mango just based on the movement of the leaves. This is a serpent eagle that my dad spotted: I t   i s   b o t h   p i c t u r e s   My dad and I went swimming.  We saw lots of deer and monkeys.  We also saw a bird that had a "private residence there" We stoped for lunch on the way home and afterwards continued our journey.

The not so hopeless journey

Thursday, 6 June Today we went to breakfast as we drove to Kabini. Then we had a fight of who could capture the best picture. Here are two of the pictures I got:   We went to a hotel to take a break from the 4 hour drive. I had some lemon soda and continued.  We waited for some time after arriving at the hotel and started our Jeep ride through the woods. On the last day we went on a spinning boat and a normal boat on the lake to look for animals.  In our 4 trips we saw elephants, wild boar, wild dog, chicken, birds, caterpillar, peacock, peahen, red squirrel, human, mongoose, monkey, deer, crocodile, fox and bison in the forest. Sadly we did not see a tiger but other people did. 

Sleepy Stealer

 Tuesday, 4 June On Sunday I went on a flight to Doha with my dad which took 16 1/2 hours. My dad had a silver badge so we could skip all the lines. This gave us time to play DOS. We could not go in the lounge but my dad promised me that we would go in business class.  He had me try lots of the food they gave in the menu. After a while I fell asleep. Then I played chopsticks with my dad. We were going on the next flight and I started playing video games. In the game I stole food from a grocery store. Once I went home I had some noodles. 

Birthday flight

 Mon, 31 Jul Today was my dad's birthday and the day we were going to go to Doha. We all gave him homemade birthday presents. We had to go to the shop to get the items and since our mom was doing something somewhere we had to go with the birthday boy. It was hard hard hiding the things that we got but we managed. We got home and started on the gifts right away.  Early the next morning we arrived at the flight and went to the lounge. We were able to go on the plane on time. 

Arcade fun

 Friday July 28 ,2023 Today we were going to the arcade to play games. Like VR games, car, shooting, more shooting, more car, basketball, ice hockey, bowling, high strike and at last picking toys with tickets that were won. In bowling I started of better than everyone. Even though I was small I was teaching them how I got an amazing score.  We went out for food. We saw the sign on a building saying to go to the forth floor so we did but turns out we went to the wrong place and we had gone in a hospital. Finally we got to eat and go back home.